Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Christy (who came from Mo's blog), does your daughter have a Caringbridge site?
I pray that your daughter is doing well. Anyone reading, please join me in praying for Christy's daughter. She just had a bone marrow transplant due to leukemia.

You may sign up to be a donor at www.marrow.org. I signed up about a year ago. It's somewhere around $50 and you only have to swab your mouth and send your info in. You may be able to save someone elses life or you may even need someone to save your life one day.

Do something good for someone today!


Tina said...

Thanks for signing my page and visiting Lance's site too.
Wow, you visit a lot of pages!

Tina, Lance's mom

Kelly said...

Hi just wanted to stop in and say Hello, came to your web site via Mo's!!
I have three children, two of whom suffer from a terminal illness, Fanconi Anemia.
We have a site its


Kelly said...

Hey Zhohn...thanks for the pictures! I tagged you on my blog so go check it out when you get a chance!



Faithful Froggers said...

Zhohn, thanks so much for all the beautiful picture graphics. I love how you did the B&W and the color! You are very talented. I just LOVE them.

Hope you are having a good week!