Monday, April 14, 2008

random stuff...

Went to the doctor with my sister today. Instead of hearing her baby's heartbeat she found out that it had a chromosome defect and if it would have been born it would have been mentally retarted or had down syndrome. So maybe it was a blessing, but still hard to understand. I have no doubt that even if it were born mentally retarted it would have been loved. We're getting through this and we're thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers. Also my aunt who I have mentioned on here before had a biopsy done today, we should know the results by Wednesday.

I was off yesterday and today and I have been trying to do things to occupy my time so this is what I've been up to...

Team Jake picture

A few of the cousins; Shaun, Alyssa, myself & Eian

Cute Miss Ellie

Kayla & I (Sept. 07)

Jessi's cake

I really enjoy editing pictures. If you would like me to do some for you, just let me know.

Again, thanks to everyone who has been praying for my family.

Please remember Ethan's family in your prayers. And there are so many other families who have had to say goodbye to their children. Also please remember all of the little children who are at St. Jude right this minute. And also our soldiers and their families. I could go on all day with everyone who needs prayer. Let's just ask Our Father to be with those who are hurting, physically and emotionally. May I not forget to PRAISE Him and thank Him for being with us each day.



1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hi Zhohn. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I finally got a chance to come visit yours. Love the pictures! You do great work! Feel free to edit mine any time you'd like!! I wish I knew how to do all of that! Hope you are having a great week!