Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I love my new header!!!

GOLD balloon-perfect!
"cure childhood cancer" in GREEN-perfect!

Hope everyone is having a great week.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

I know you are reading...

Please sign in :-)

Hope all of you have a great week.

Monday, May 19, 2008

email I sent out today...

Hi everyone! I've been trying to sign up for the Marathon and get my page up but for some reason I can't. Hopefully I can join one day this week and I'll email everyone the link. And be on the lookout because those of you who donate $50-$100 will get a gift from me.

Mo's Motivation:
13. Living at home: Imagine leaving your healthy kids and working spouse two states away for completely unknown periods of time. Jake was first admitted to the Ronald McDonald House, because it was thought that his stay would be somewhat brief. However, after the first year, it was realized that this would be a much longer situation and he and Staci were moved to the Target House. Be thankful you get to return home, WITH your entire family, after this weekend.

My Motivation: Want to know where your donations are going?
Average charge per inpatient per day- $4,813
Physical therapy per hour- $320
One day of oxygen- $387
Platelet Count- $43
Complete blood count- $53
Chest x-ray, one view- $121
ICU daily room rate- $2,622

Whether your donation is enough for a platelet count or a day in ICU, it's appreciated! Visit, there is always lots of information you can read. This is email 13 of 26, which means that we are HALF WAY!
I hope you have been saving and please continue to save!

May all of you have a great week,

Thursday, May 8, 2008

gearing up...

I should have my personal page for the St. Jude Marathon up next week!
No donation is too small! Any amount will help.

I had "fell off the wagon" with my weight loss and exercise for a while but I'm back in business now! I lost five pounds this week and have been walking! Less than seven months to go, I better get moving. :)

As soon as I sign up I will post the link to the TEAM JAKE page. The goal this year is $100,000, we need to get the word out. St. Jude really needs your donations! Take a look at this:

St. Jude Patient Care Cost


Average charge per inpatient per day

Average charge per outpatient visit per day

One day of chemotherapy administered intravenously to leukemia or solid tumor patients (estimated)
Average $712

Major surgical procedures (physician fee only)
Up to $11,273

Above-knee prosthesis (estimated)

Average cost for treating acute lymphoblastic leukemia per patient

Not to mention all of the tests and chemotherapy but something as simple as a wig costs $75! Can you imagine being a teenage girl with no hair and not being able to get a wig?
Give up a few things such as fast food and cigarettes and donate to "the best place on Earth".


up, things are looking up!

Where do I even begin...? I have had a tough couple of weeks but I am so glad that things are better.

Over the past few weeks I have felt lost; I guess that is the best way to describe it.

Work... has improved a great deal. If I can just make it through the next two weekends I should have weekends off after that.

Personally...I haven't had a plan or set any goals for myself since high school. Also, something else that has brought on the slump I was in, my five year reunion is next month and I'm not happy about what I have done over the last five years, which is nothing! I have come to realize (finally!) that I need to let the past go and focus on the future.

So, I have signed up for a Physical Therapy Aide program. I should be finished with it by the end of the year. By January I hope to be enrolled in college getting my Associate of Science in Physical Therapy Assistant. So I'm looking at graduating in 2011. I know it's a few years away and I have a long road ahead of me but I'm so glad that I actually have a plan!

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. :)



Friday, May 2, 2008


I'm feeling so much better this morning and I'm out of my little slump!

I was tagged by Kelly .
So here we go, 7 random things about me (I'm not an interesting person!):

1. I suffer from "perfectionism"! I am such a perfectionist. Less than perfect is just not acceptable. If I mess something up, I will start completely over! Dot your i's and cross your t's!!! Please do that for me! ha ha

2. I have little patience. It's strange because with children I'm fine, I'm patient and caring but with adults, not so! Slow people drive me crazy; slow in line, slow on the road, etc. etc. (the road is whole different story!) If someone can't do it right or do it fast enough then I'll just do it myself!

3. I worry WAY too much! I drive those around me insane with my worrying. I think things to death. Sometimes I can't even sleep because I'm thinking about other things!

4. I care too much about others. Actually, I don't believe what I just wrote because to me, you can't care too much about others. But I've been told that I need to think of myself a little more.

5. My Senior year I won a scholarship to a community college near my home and didn't use it!!!! I can kick myself for this now. "Stop dwelling on the past Zhohn". lol

6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my camera (photography). But I much rather be behind the lens than in front. I really don't like pictures of myself.

7. I do not show up late. DO. NOT. DO. IT. I will not go somewhere if it means that I will be late! You can ask Casey about this...we kind of got lost on the way to the Marathon and when we stopped for directions I said that we just weren't going to go because we were going to be late! Yeah, they were a little upset with me because we drove 10 hours to get there! Anyway, we made it and had plenty time. :)

Wow, I just read over what I wrote...looks like I'm CRAZY!!! lol.
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically but anyone who wants to join in, please do. Leave a comment and I'll check you out. Jen ? you wanna play along? Casey and Kelly have already been tagged.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Isaiah 41:10

I never really share any of my problems, I'm a very personal person but I'm asking for prayer for myself.
I will need much patience and strength to get through this weekend (work).
I feel terrible because I know there are many people who are worse off than I.

Why did I quit my job and move here? Why did I do that? I hate this job, never have liked it. I know I can't change the past but I just wish I would have done things differently. I'm off to go and dwell on this. I worry too much, I know I do. I stress over everything, my family can attest!
I think that I turn things over to God, lay my burdens at His feet but I don't. I'm working on this, it just takes time.

P.S. I've been tagged and I'll probably do that later on.