Sunday, March 30, 2008

ok so who are you?

I've had 12 visits to my page since yesterday but no comments! I'm sure Casey & Jen (the only two who comment) have not come here 12 times!

Well I'm finally off tomorrow. I've worked eight days straight to have tomorrow off. I can't wait to go to church. Time for bed, it's been a LONG day!

Was SO busy at work, I kinda "bumped" a truck backing out of the parking lot (he didn't know how to park!), got home and saw that my Jury Duty check came in, opened it up only to see that they only paid me for one day so I guess I will have to call them up on Monday! I spent four days over there (60 miles round trip a day).

That's all for tonight.
BELIEVE, it's the only way!


Casey Jo said...

Wow, 12 visits? I wonder how many people visit my page a day? Oh, I did notice that Dena left me a precious comment on the entry about my "Seperation" I could have cried. Oh, and I could have cried when I read what you wrote too! Thanks For everything Zhohn! I love you bunches and I am so happy that you and I have gotten so close!

Jenn_N_Luc said...

Ok...I've gone everywhere! Where can you see how many people are visiting your page?? I'm so curious now!

Have a great week!

Gram said...

you commented on my daughter's blog so i checked you out. man, that's how i get hooked on blogging....checking out commenters and then getting involved in each 'story'. thanks for your sweet comments!