Monday, July 20, 2009

ok ok!

So over a month ago I promised an update! I have had so much going on, really don't want to go into details right now. But I will ask for prayers.

New job, new living situation, and the list goes on.

When I started this blog, I was talking to Casey about a title and I was like, I don't even know myself to come up with a title! Hence the title, Trying to find myself! Well, over the past year I have found myself. Some people say I have changed, but I haven't, I have found myself. I have lived that past 23 years for everyone else, and now it's time to live for me.

Well that's all for now. The past month or so have been the hardest (if not saddest) time of my life but day by day it gets better and I have to just move forward and live for myself now.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Much love, peace and hope.


Christy said...

Hey there. I've actually been checking your blog for quite some time...I remember when once when you edited some pictures..I love how you edit your pics. I love your background on here...I need to figure out to do cool things like that on mine. I was glad to see your update saying how well you are doing. Best wishes always.

dena said...

So sorry you have had to endure sadness..but so happy you have learned to live your life for you. It is so important to take care of you.....or you cant take care of others. So glad you are blogging again....keep it up:) Glad you are doing well......Dena