Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello all...

I GOT THE JOB!!!!! I am ecstatic! I start Tuesday.

Thanks for the prayers!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hug your loved ones even tighter today...

as Heaven gained another little innocent child. My cousin lost his 10 year old son yesterday. He was crossing the street; the mail lady had stopped to let him pass and a wreck less driver came out of nowhere, unable to stop, had to go around the mail truck and hit him as he was crossing. He died instantly so we must hold on to the fact that he didn't suffer at all.
Please remember little Thorne's family in your prayers. There was no school yesterday because of the weather so all the kids were home, remember them as well.


Thursday, January 7, 2010


Don't know about where you are but it's COLD here!

So, I went on an interview today. I won't find out if I have the job or not until Monday. I WANT this job, just thinking about it brings a smiile to my face. I want more happiness in my life (previous post) and this would bring just that!

I worked for a lawyer for five years right out of high school, and LOVED it! This is actually a friend of his who is in need of a secretary. I want to get back there! I'm not into litigation and things like that and so that only leaves a few attorneys to work for (at least around here) so jobs like this don't come often.

I'm excited, hope it works out.

Keep warm & pray that this job works out!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mo's 52 Q's

First question of the year....

Happiness. I let everything get to me so much that I'm never happy! I plan on making many changes this year and the main one is to focus on myself more and stop worrying about everyone else!

Moving forward and focusing on making myself HAPPY!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR! (to anyone who still visits!)

I haven't been on in months, I'm going to try and keep my blog up this year.

So, i've picked a word to live by this year, FORWARD. I have to let go of the past and move forward! Visit Mo's blog for more info ( for more info.

So, if you're reading, share your word!

Much love, peace and many blessings-