Monday, April 7, 2008

Save, Save, Save! St. Jude is THE BEST place on Earth!

I hope this letter finds you well. I know everyone is gearing up for Spring Break and vacations but please do not forget to save. It is so easy to spend five dollars on a coffee, a burger, nail polish, anything but remember, it is just as easy to save it for a good cause-no excuses! You should have $45 dollars saved now. It may not seem like much, but every little bit helps. And whenever you can, throw in a few extra dollars.It's late and I know everyone is busy (school, sports, work, etc.) so I'll move onto the motivations.

Mo's motivation: 10. Target House: You will be running by this palatial apartment style setting after the park and around Mile 10. Be thankful that there are big corporations who still have a heart for giving and sharing. The Target House is HOME to many kids, some for up to three years, and will house up to four from their families. Jake LOVED the pool table and the trikes on the playground. He also used to race to be the first to push the elevator buttons! Be thankful for the Target House.

Please support Target by shopping there. I think that Target as a Wish List for the St. Jude Target House. I'll have to look into that.

My motivation to you to save just five dollars over the next two weeks...
I have mentioned him several times on here. He has now joined Jake (& others) in Heaven. He passed away on Saturday. Please join me in praying for his precious family, his young parents, Ben & Becky. Ethan was diagnosed with infant leukemia at two months old. Because of St. Jude his family was given a year with him. I promise, that if you visit his site, and read some of his parents' entries you will be inspired! They are very strong in their faith and they are believers! In Ben's entry today he basiclly says that he will not rest until this disease is beat and neither will I! I will continue to raise awareness in anyway and donate money and my time, it's the least I can do. Look at that baby's picture and tell me you can't donate a few dollars!
So in honor of 'Little E'...BeLIeVe!

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